By admin | is the official website for Jahangirnagar University (JU) admissions. If you want to study at JU, this is the best place to find all the necessary information. JU is a top university in Bangladesh, known for its quality education and lively campus.

JU Admission Circular 2025

The JU admission notice for 2024-2025 is on This is the only official website for JU admissions. You will get the correct and updated information here. You could apply to JU from January 2 to January 21, 2025. The admission tests were held from February 9 to February 17, 2025. You can also see your JU Admission Result 2025 on this website. - Jahangirnagar University Admission is a helpful website for JU admission. It has all the information you need for the admission process. You can find admission notices and requirements here. You can also get application forms and test schedules. Admit cards, seat plans, and results are also available on This website helps you stay informed and organized during admission.

The website is easy to use and allows you to find what you need easily. guides you through each step of the admission process, covering everything from the first notice to the final admission.

JU Admission Result 2025

Jahangirnagar University releases admission results in two lists. These are merit lists and waiting lists. The merit list shows students who are accepted based on their test scores. The waiting list is for students who might get a place later. This happens if seats are still available.

Results for each unit are published separately. You need to check the result for your applied unit. Jahangirnagar University tries to publish results within 7 days after tests.

JU Result 2025 Link

You can check your JU result using the JU Result 2025 Link on the website. To log in, you will need your application details.

How to Check the JU Results

Follow these steps to check your JU admission results:

  1. Go to the official website:
  2. Log in using your account details.
  3. Find the "Admission Results" section.
  4. Choose your applied unit from the list.
  5. Enter your application number or details.
  6. View and print your results for your records.
Unit NameResult

Female Candidates-Shift-3(11-02-2025)

Female Candidates-Shift-4(11-02-2025)

Female Candidates-Shift-5(11-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-1(12-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-2(12-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-3(12-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-4(12-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-5(12-02-2025)


Female Candidates-Shift-1-Business(11-02-2025)

Female Candidates-Shift-1-Non-Business(11-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-2-Business(11-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-2-Non-Business(11-02-2025)

JU-IBAFemale Candidates(10-02-2025)
Male Candidates(10-02-2025)

Female Candidates-Shift-4(09-02-2025)

Female Candidates-Shift-5(09-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-1(10-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-2(10-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-3(10-02-2025)

Male Candidates-Shift-4(10-02-2025)

JU Admission 2024-2025 Process

The JU admission process for 2024-2025 is clear and detailed. First, JU publishes an admission notice on Then, JU invites applications from eligible students. You need to apply within the given time.

After reviewing applications, JU releases the admission test schedule. This schedule shows dates and times for each unit's tests. After the schedule is out, you can download your admit card from You must appear for tests on time as per the seat plan. After tests, JU publishes results within 7 days. Results are on merit and waiting lists.

Key Dates and Deadlines

Here is a table of important dates for JU admission:



Application Submission Period

January 2 to January 21, 2025

Final Admission Test Schedule

February 9 to February 19, 2025

Admit Card Download Period

From February 2, 2025

Seat Plan Publication

Before 2 days of admission test

Result Publication

Within 7 days post-test

Subject Choice Form Submission

Will announce later

Viva (If Applicable)

Will announce later

Final Admission

Will announce later

JU Admission Form

The JU admission form must be completed. Jahangirnagar University has different units for different subjects. When filling out the form, you must choose your unit. First, check the requirements for each unit. You must pay a fee to submit your application.

You must meet the eligibility criteria to complete the form. The last date to apply is in the admission notice. Apply before the deadline. The application period is January 2 to January 21, 2025.

You can complete the form online at, the only official website for applying to Jahangirnagar University.

How to Fill Out the JU Application Form

Here is a guide to filling out the JU application form:

  1. Go to
  2. Check if you are eligible to apply.
  3. Verify your mobile number on the website.
  4. Upload your photo and signature as instructed.
  5. Pay the application fees online.
  6. Download your admit card after application.

JU Admission Test Schedule

The JU admission test schedule is important. The admission process starts with the notice on Jahangirnagar University has many units for tests. Tests were held from February 9 to February 19, 2025.

Unit Name

Admission Test Date & Time

D Unit (Female)

February 9, 2025 (5 Shifts)

D Unit (Male)

February 10, 2025 (5 Shifts)


February 10, 2025 (1 Shift)

E Unit

February 11, 2025 (2 Shifts)

A Unit

February 11, 2025 (3 Shifts)

A Unit

February 12, 2025 (5 Shifts)

C Unit

February 13, 2025 (6 Shifts)

C1 Unit

February 17, 2025 (1 Shift)

B Unit

February 17, 2025 (3 Shifts)

JU Admit Card

The JU admit card is needed for admission tests. It has your test date, time, and location. Only students who applied and paid can download it.

The admit card download dates are on Usually, the card is available a few weeks before the tests. You can download your admit card from

Steps to get your admit card:

  1. Go to the official website and find the admission section.
  2. Log in with your account.
  3. Find the admit card section.
  4. Enter your application number and details.
  5. Download and print your admit card. Print extra copies.

JU Admission Test Seat Plan

The seating plan shows your test venue, room, and seat number. Check it to know your test location and plan your travel. It helps the exam process run smoothly.

The seating plan is published on a few days before the test. Check the website regularly for updates.

How to Check the Seat Plan Unit-Wise

Seat plans are by unit. You can easily find your plan for your unit.

To check your seat plan:

  1. Go to and find admissions.
  2. Log in to your account.
  3. Find the seat plan section.
  4. Choose your unit.
  5. Enter your application number or details.
  6. View and print your seat plan for test day.

Conclusion makes JU admission easy. It provides all the information in one place, and this official website provides correct and updated details. It helps you at every step. is your main source for admission information. We discussed eligibility, application, and important dates. We also guided you through completing forms, explained the test schedule, and provided a link to download the admit card.