The DU Admission Login is an online portal for applicants of the University of Dhaka admission test. Through this portal, applicants can submit their applications, download admit cards, view seat plans, view admission test results, and get other information related to admission.
DU Admission 2025
The University of Dhaka's admission notice for the first year of undergraduate (honors) for the academic year 2024-25 has already been published. All admission-related activities must be completed through the admission website, admission.eis.du.ac.bd. Students can log in by clicking the DU Admission Login link and completing all activities.
- Application start date: 4 November 2024
- Application deadline: 25 November 2024
- Admit Card Download: 23 December 2024 to 1 Hour before the Admission Test.
- Application link: admission.eis.du.ac.bd
DU Admission Login
An important option on the University of Dhaka admission website is the "Login" option, also known as the DU Admission Login. Students must access this option to complete all admission-related work. To log in, you will need the roll number of your HSC or equivalent examination, board and passing year, and roll number of your SSC or equivalent examination. The following can be done through the DU Admission Login.
- University of Dhaka admission form can be filled out.
- The University of Dhaka application fee can be paid, and the payment slip can be downloaded.
- The University of Dhaka admit card can be downloaded.
- The seat plan of the University of Dhaka will be known.
- University of Dhaka admission test results will be available.
- The subject preference form and SIF form can be filled out.
- Subject preference results can be seen.
- Admission confirmation and migration can be activated/deactivated.
- Final admission can be completed.

Apply Online
To apply for undergraduate admission to Dhaka University, students must log in to the Dhaka University admission website.
- First, you have to go to the Dhaka University admission website. The website address is: https://admission.eis.du.ac.bd.
- The login option has to be clicked.
- You need to create an account with your SSC and HSC exam information and fill out the application form with the necessary information.
- You have to upload a recent color photo of you. The picture must be of a certain size.
- You must send an SMS to your mobile number to collect the password, which you will need later.
- You must pay the application fee online. There are various methods for paying fees, such as mobile banking and internet banking.
- Your application will be completed after you have completed all the information and paid the fees.
Admit Card Download
To download the admit card for the Dhaka University admission test, log in to the Dhaka University admission website. Admit cards for all units can be downloaded from 23 December 2024. Admit cards can be downloaded up to one hour before the admission test of any unit. Procedure to download admit card:
- Enter the DU Admission Login option (admisison.eis.du.ac.bd)
- Log in with your SSC and HSC information.
- Enter the unit you applied for.
- Click on the "Download Admit Card" link.
- Once the admit card is downloaded, print it out.
Seat Plan
A detailed seating plan will be published 48 hours before the admission test of any unit. Applicants can learn the detailed seat plan from the DU Admission Login. Latest, DU KA Unit Seat Plan 2025 has been Released.
- Have to go to the Dhaka University admission website. The website address is: https://admission.eis.du.ac.bd
- Log in with your SSC and HSC information.
- Enter the specified unit.
- View the detailed seating plan by clicking on the seating plan link.
Admission Result
After the publication of the results of the first-year undergraduate (honors) admission test for the academic year 2024-25 of Dhaka University, you can view it in various ways:
- Visit the admission website: https://admission.eis.du.ac.bd
- DU Admission Login: Log in using your SSC and HSC information.
- To view Results, log in and Enter the specified unit. Then, click the "Results" option. Your results will appear on the screen.
SIF and Subject Choice form
If you pass the admission test, you must complete the SIF and preference form. On the scheduled date, click the DU Admission Login option to fill out the form. After correctly filling out and submitting the form, download and print it. Then, take it with you to the interview.
Final Admission
The subject choice result will be published after the subject choice activity ends. The merit list will be published in multiple phases. You can access the merit list by logging into the admissions website of Dhaka University.
- You must confirm admission by logging in to the DU Admission Login option if you are selected for admission.
- The migration option has to be determined, and the required fee has to be paid during admission confirmation.
- Final admission will start after the migration process is completed.
- You must pay the admission fee by logging in to the DU Admission website and completing the necessary admission activities.